apparently doing a degree and is really bad at blogging. like, seriously. look at the dates. it's bad.

I would like to start out by apologising for how rubbish I've been with posting recently! I don't have access to a proper camera, wh...

most worn| lipstick.

I would like to start out by apologising for how rubbish I've been with posting recently! I don't have access to a proper camera, which is always a great thing for a blogger, so taking photos has been a nightmare. Because of this, please forgive the photo quality as I have had to resort to my iPhone in order to get this up today. I also have my driving theory coming up soon so my highway code has been engrained into my mind after hours of just staring. It's safe to say I am not going to pass...

ANYWAY! I have decided to start a new series called Most Worn, where I talk about my most used product of choice. As you can tell by the title, today's is lipstick. 

The packaging of the product alone shows how much I have loved this lipstick. Topshop lipsticks are widely regarded as high quality in the beauty world, and rightly so. I only own two, but both are favourites of mine. Beatnik is a your lips but better shade, and as a result, can be worn with any sort of look. It is my go to shade if I have no idea what look I am after and I feel it adds just a little something. It is quite glossy but not overpowering, with no or little glitter. It's extremely creamy to apply which feels nice on the lips but means the lasting time isn't great, which means reapplying throughout the day is a necessity. I also find the packaging annoying as when you first buy the product it looks really pretty as the white gives off a clean effect which for some reason I like a lot, but because it is white it means that it gets dirty. Quickly. It also chips easily which means if you just throw it in your bag with keys and coins lying around, chipping is unavoidable.

I do love this lipstick a lot despite the lasting power and tatty packaging, and when I go back to college it is definitely replacing my colours as my staple again.