apparently doing a degree and is really bad at blogging. like, seriously. look at the dates. it's bad.

Dear October,  I'm sorry I'm writing so late, I haven't known what to ask of you.  September was a hard one. Please be nic...

letters to october.

Dear October, 
I'm sorry I'm writing so late, I haven't known what to ask of you. 
September was a hard one. Please be nicer. Maybe a new wardrobe would be nice? I'm joking, but new clothes is a necessity. I'm wearing the same four things on repeat and I'm starting to think the people at college think I'm homeless. A winter jacket. I definitely need that in my life. 
Materialistic things aside, I'm still not sure what I want from you October. More blogging motivation is a definite one, at least two posts a week. I want to take more photos this month, to just go out with a camera and see what happens.
I want to go out for a meal with my best friends to a cute restaurant I found in Manchester. A catch up with some of my closest friends is also in order, especially seeing as I've not seen some since July.
To really try and tackle the anxiety that is creeping up would also be nice. I'm finding it hard to live at the moment, I want to at least be able to leave the house voluntarily by the end of the month. I want to smile more, to really just hold it all together and build myself back up again. 

October, I know I'm asking a lot of you, but I have a good feeling about this month. We should be okay if we work together. 

photo credit